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Liberty National Life Insurance Gears Up For Binge Hirers with State Regulators

Liberty National Life Insurance Gears Up For Binge Hirers with State Regulators
Liberty National Life Insurance Co. plans to hire around 100 agents in Tampa Bay area which would call in for the most aggressive ramp-up in the area in its 109 history. There is a one side issue a jobseeker should be aware of which Florida insurance regulators have suspended to revoke the company’s license.

As a part of celebration of National Hire Day liberty says it intends to hire around 2500 agents nationwide in a single day stating the events at 125 locations across the country which would include 3 sites in bay area and venues such as Orlando and Florida.

The sales each year has been growing up substantially. The average annual pay for first year agent is $61,000. Currently the company has around 600-700 agents in Florida which includes 100 in Tampa Bay area which has 182,000 policies. But in June the state regulators warned that Liberty could lose the license in wake of 5 month investigation into alleged discrimination against consumers seeking policies.

The investigation with the Florida Office of Insurance Regulation said that they found around 1,149 violations in reviewing 7000 life insurance applications at Liberty’s former headquarters. Since then the company has relocated its headquarters to Tax structure.

After which Liberty has filed air to case before the state Division of Administrative Hearings.
