There may be times when you watch your kids playing in the backyard, and there comes a scary thought to mind “What if I go now? Who will take care of them?”; this thought is indeed a scary thought. To tell you the truth, no rich heir will willingly adopt your children and your family soon after, if you were suddenly pass away because let us be realistic here, this is a real life and not a movie. So how is it possible you overcome this little problem? To this question, simple answer is Life Insurance. For many people, the term life insurance is like sweet poison, a contradictory statement within itself. In other words, to have to pay for something extra every month is as painful to your ears like losing your right leg, but it may be also because the main problem is we’re not familiar with life insurance and the types of life insurance. The first one is Single Premium Life insurance, it requires you to only pay a one time premium to enjoy its full insurance coverage. The insurance compa...
Contract Between the Policy Owner and The Insurer.