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Showing posts from September, 2009

Tata Aig To Infuse 600 Cr In Life Insurance

The promoters of Tata AIG Life Insurance are expected to impart Rs 600 crore capital in venture during current financial year. Both the partners are committed to life insurance business which would bring in down the capital requirements. This capital infusion would be in proportion to the shareholding which the Tata Group holds making AIG achieve a 26% stake overall. This capital is required to maintain solvency margin which would meet up the new business growth. The company has increased it branches to 400 in a couple of years. The management expense ratio for the company has gone up by 30 percent during the last financial year which would take certain initiatives for the headcounts to make you productive. The focus would be to leverage on existing workforce which would make a substantial number. Such private life insurance companies have reaches their eight year of operation with capital requirements being very much high. The current changes would be a cap on the charges which would

Non-Life Insurance Market Thriving In South Korea

The non-life insurance market in South Korea, is growing at a good pace which is driven by long term insurance & automobile insurance. As a result of this, the share for the such insurance surged from 33.32% which is about 9% higher with private health insurance. We have found that long term insurance sector is growing in south korea which accounts for 50% of total direct premium collected. These premiums are forecasted at an amount of 6% during FY-2009. This demand for retirement procedure includes accidents, illeness, medical expenses all of which are expected to drive the growth. Besides this the premium collected would increase with automobile market in high end larger car segments. During the forecast period, the premiums are anticipated to grow at rate of 15% which would fade away the result. To better gauge the future success of non-life insurance in South Korean market, would make & analyze the non-life insurance products providing you with results for non-life insuranc

Americans Consider Life Insurance Market More Important Than Ever

In the challenging economic times, Americans have made various adjustment to their family finances. The saving rates are on the rise which would make the debt more consolidated & paid down with people spending up more money conservatively. There may be a time to add a trend in the list which around 56 percent Americans would make to have life insurance coverage reduce the coverage. The life insurance sales would receive a boost when consumers feel vulnerable making downturns in the economy & stock market. Many experts believe that current recession would be to buck the trend due to severity. The experts believe that coverage ratio would drop with the sales of new policy plumming down. The American people are smart & understand the importance of protecting the loved ones which would be important as Americans realize the importance of life insurance which catches the family in case of tragedy. In such down turn it is important to follow the various tips which are very much es

Get Life Insurance Earlier In Life

Everybody wants life insurance in life which provides safety for the family, providing you money when necessary. The longer you delay the decision the more expensive & difficult it would become to obtain them. This is basically a difference between comfortable middle class lifestyle & poverty. This coverage would come under 2 main categories: term & life insurance which would be purchased with increments of 30 years a less expensive option of the two categories. The coverage becomes common under the life insurance, as one gets older the premium payments would increase. This is not the case with whole life plans which is similar to what it sounds like, looking at the premium rate for whole life making changes in health or age. Still the premiums wont increase under permanent plans, whereas the death benefits would making policy earning equity. This is the money which one can access still he is alive. The experts say that the most important thing is to buy life insurance, wh

Guide To Life Insurance Leads

One can generate variety of leads from variety of media. For an example, one can list different media to consider life insurance marketing efforts. With just a little research, copyrighting skills, and marketing know-how one can use the media successfully. The 2 major types of media include: (1)Offline Media: There are direct mail letters, direct mail postcards, newspapers, coupons, newsletter, magazines, radio, free publicity etc. (2)Online Media: The online media marketing tools include SEO, PPC, Videos, Podcasting, Social Media, Press Release etc. The key to marketing life insurance and to generate leads include demographics of media which one would like to test. If a person is searching for life insurance online one needs to look for information online. By this way one can position themselves as an expert in educating them. To market life insurance market, one needs to have patience. This can be rewarding as long as one needs to test advertising & keep themselves focused. The o

AIG Sells Stake to Tata Life Insurance

After exiting from IT outsourcing outfit, the American International Group is now gearing up to sell 26% stake in Tata AIG Life Insurance to its Indian Partner Tata which holds 74% in life insurance joint venture with consulting and auditing firm KPMG to structure the deal. AIG would continue to enter into joint venture with Tata General Insurance. AIG’s stake is 26% in Tata could help them fetch up their life insurance sector. The 800 crore global financial conglomerate would charge TATA a huge premium for its expertise in to JV. On replying to queries on the issue, TATA said that they do not wish to comment on such an issue. Launched in 2001, this TATA AIG partnership has built a substantial life insurance operation in India with around 200 offices across the country with around 10,000 crore of assets. AIG pointed out that company is in process of restructure the life insurance business which operates under AIA(American International Assurance). The AIG has announced that it would a

Foreign Insurers Retreat On China’s Policy

The proposals by U.K Standard Life scales back to create businesses raising doubts to open financial sector in foreign competition. This foreign institutions continue to pour in China making it one of the world’s largest insurance market with the foreign life insurers cutting their stakes into local venture highlighting the difficulty of operating in environment where government policies favor out domestic policies with insurance market dominated by Chinese firm. Other than U.S insurance giant American International Group Inc, foreign life insurers have to enter China market with a partnership from Chinese partners where they are restricted to with a 50% stake. The foreigners expect to share China’s life insurance market to grow up by 8% in 2012 which is a less optimistic figure anticipating around 10% share in 2011. In the first half, the foreign players had less than 5% share in China’s market with a downfall of 9% in 2005, making China’s top three life insurers accounting for 63%. T

What Does Life Insurance Policy Include

Life Insurance Policy refers to a policy which a person acquires with a purpose of being compensated incase of death of an individual. The person who buys up the insurance is called insured and the issuer of the policy is called the insurer. The insured pays the amount of money for a specific period of time in the amount called as premium. This amount has been accumulated as a result of payments to the insurer paying out the beneficiaries in death of insured. This beneficiary is very close to a family member. The amount which has been paid up at the time of death depends on the premium which has been selected by buyer. These premiums are more dependent on the individuals need, making them to select from several options under which the beneficiary would be paid in case of death. For instance, the policy insures a person against through a car accident making them achieve the responsibility to compensate the beneficiary in case of illness or accident.

Life Insurance Portal Being Launched By Info Insure Systems

Info Insure Systems have launched life insurance portal which is likely to target life insurance industry in Indian market. This offers one to get a piece of information and includes all tools which are required for rational insurance choice. This portal has a section called insurance education where one needs to talk about career in insurance industry. Currently the industry is a huge tapped market which needs to be explored but suffers from lack of insurance policies at all times. This portal does not talk of insurance types and policies but serves as investor community to cover the news related to market performance for different types of stocks on bourses. The details of the stock are provided on the website for Best Bull Group, where an investor can get to know the details of the company. With GDP expected to grow more than 6 percent, the insurance industry would grow by 13 percent during the current fiscal year. The insurance companies start to generate revenues from the second q

Life Insurance Is Not For Married Older Individuals

Using the benefits of online life insurance policy, can help you in a great extend to make your loved ones financially secure. Many people hate to think of life insurance which not exciting thing is ensuring the future of dependents. One needs to have a life insurance as one does not know what’s in store in life next. As a result life insurance is becoming a necessity making yourself prepared when time comes leaving you in a mess. Having the right knowledge surrounding the insurance policy would benefit you making important. When choosing the main goal one needs to protect the family making it affordable thing to do interpret everyday activities. There are many benefits associated with Term Life Insurance & Whole Life Insurance, which can be associated with funeral, college tuition, debts, and everyday basic needs. Taking advantage of life insurance policy would make one mature or married. If you are single there are advantages to have a life insurance policy. Taking out policy at

Liberty Mutual Website Gives Tools to Manage Group Life Programs

Human Resource Professional can now better manage group life program which is an important benefit for attracting and retaining employees which as a result would lead to new Liberty Mutual resources. This is a first step guide which reviews critical tasks an employer would generally employ following the death of employees. The group life is a key benefit, but can’t be challenging in for both the employees and employers. While the studies revealed that employees value the benefit, they are often not certain about the type of coverage they need. At the same time, the employers won’t need to experience the death of employee or interact with them claiming the family during the difficult period. This new guide who is moving forward would address the death of employees which is a companion place to take the thing to next step. This guide is provided to all Liberty Mutual Group customers and reviews the immediate steps which an employer should take before being notified to the employer. Such

Get Flexible With New Insurance Law

The insurance policyholders can name the beneficiaries and change them when the need arises which is as per the law of new nomination. This long awaited Insurance Nomination Law provides flexibility to the policyholders of life and health insurance which control as to how to distribute policy proceeds. This new law came into effect in month of September and is seen as a vast improvement in the arrangement that it replaces which does not allow policyholders to change the beneficiaries in case of divorce. This means that if a policyholder named his spouse or children as his beneficiary than automatically he created a statutory even if he did not want to have. The policyholders were prevented from changing the beneficiaries which would cash out the policy without the content of beneficiaries. There are many policyholders who learnt this just by using divorce proceeding when they discovered that their spouses had a claim on the policies with an insured person’s death sparked a family dispu

Life Insurance Being Maintained By Americans in Economical Downfall

As everyone knows American economy is going in a downfall, with middle class Americans being dragged to personal life policies with important protection regarding uncertain financial environment. A survey reveals that just around 4% of Americans report making changes to personal life insurance coverage as a result of this economy. Of many who have made changes around 42% increased with 29% decrease in number and rest 17% to cover the elimination. This results stand out as an encouraging counterpoint to the year downtrend in life insurance trends. The life insurance premiums dropped around 23% in first six months for the steepest 6 month decline. The findings revealed that middle class consumers are not reacting to such economic turmoil for sacrificing their life insurance coverage. Life Insurance serves as a safety net which catches a family when a big tragedy occurs. Also findings revealed that around 3 percent of respondents reported to make changes in life insurance coverage as a re

Private Insurance Companies Offering Cover To Hospital Staff

The Virology Institute has collected over 10,000 positive samples to track whether the H1N1 Virus is mutating or not. Besides this the sample can also help the pharmaceutical company to develop the vaccine. As a result of this Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance announced free life insurance cover for one year to all doctors and staff who are engaged in treating patients affected with such swine flu virus patients. Almost all staff members at National Institute of Virology have been offered cover by government for their safety. But a private insurance company along with government has also come up to provide swine flu at various capacities. This gesture would go a long way in boosting morale of staff. So the policy given by Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance would go a long way in boosting the morale of people working in treating such a dreadful disease.

Insurers Allowed To Strike Market after 7 Years

The insurance companies would be allowed to tap the capital market if they complete 7 years of operation against minimum of 10 years. With the ministry making the qualification period to lower down, several insurance players are excepted to tap the market in coming months. As a result this would allow insurance companies to raise funds which would meet the expansion needs and help save solvency ratio. As of now, only 26% FDI is allowed in the investment sector which means that local partners need to take larger share in equity infusion. The stakeholders in some companies may not be in a position to fund their growth. There will be around 11 life and non-life private insurance companies which have been in operation for more than 7 years. As of now India has 22 life insurers, one in public sector and rest in private sector. There would be various companies who would be listing at the insurance business with regulations permitting conductive. The regulation board is in the process of work

Short Term Medical Insurance Renamed By Hcc Life Insurance

Hcc Life Insurance Company today announced the renaming of short term medical insurance product to HCC Life Short Term Medical product. This product is designed to provide the health care coverage for individuals and families all of whom are in need of medical insurance on a short term basis. This plan is now available in 38 states and Columbia state, all of which features the choice of deductible, co-insurance and coverage length needed. The clients can now have choice to purchase an HCC Life STM Policy which are done through professional health insurance agent or online through direct insurance agency. The HCC Life, STM is appropriate for those who are in transition to the recent college graduates, unemployed individuals, new employees all of which would avail benefit of availability and all which seek alternative to COBRA. As all emergencies occur, HCC Life provides 24/7 support telephone access as a customer service representative.

Private Life Insurers Focus to Increase Profitability

As the insurance cost increases, writing new policies would erode profitability, with provate life insurance companies are tweaking the business model to focus on renewal policy premiums rather than market share. There was a tremendous focus on sales growth, with the secretary general of Life Insurance Council which is an industry body of life insurers. This has made realizing the focus on renewal policy which would be essential to attain the break-down. To sell a new insurer policy to expand the revenue which would involve the initial cost, known in the industry with business strains as the insurers would typically make the profits for renewal premiums with the policy which is due to renewal. India has around 22 life insurance companies including state-run Life Insurance Corporation of India, which is the biggest in country. In June, the total renewal premiums for the industry grew to 17.5% to Rs 32,750 crore from Rs 27,870 crore according to data provided by Life Insurance Council. T

Selling Life Insurance Agency Requires Patience

The review cover informs health/ life agents as to value the businesses to plan for retirement or acquisitions. Many life/health insurance policies owners don’t have any succession plans in place along with their agencies also. Many principles plan to work until they drop off but a young producer would come and take over with them. Both of these plans are thought over for giving the risk for the same. The California agency was sold to insurance wholesaler, but at that time of sale the buyer and seller didn’t have any idea about value of business which was a really sad. To measure a life/health agency is not very simple, as applying earnings into valuing PC agency would require a holistic view for evaluating the quality of firm’s contractual relationship and conduct a market conduct record with insurance carriers for all kinds of retailers and brokers with which everything works. So if you want to sell your life insurance through a agency it would require quite amount of patience and ti

HSBC Penetrate into China’s Life Insurance Market

HSBC Life Insurance Company Limited, which is a joint venture set up by HSBC and Beijing based National Trust, opened up business in Shanghai making global financial giant enter into market with the world’s fastest growing life insurance markets. This joint venture headquartered in Shanghai has a capital worth 500 million Yuan. The HSBC and National Trust hold a 50 percent stake in all. The company would focus on China’s population with an increase in growing discount which would offer life, pension and medical products. China is the focus of HSBC’s strategy in emerging markets. If HSBC has no insurance business overseas in China then they would not be called as world’s largest insurance companies and China’s largest foreign bank. The total life insurance premiums of China amounted to 733.8 billion this year, with a 48% increase in the previous year which is second in scale in Asia after Japan. This insurance penetration is a percentage of economy which is as low as 3.3 percent. The Ch