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Showing posts from July, 2009

Nippon Life’s Hedge Funds Gain By 10%

Nippon Life is Japan’s biggest life insurer company. This company may post a 10% return on hedge fund due to market improvement. Nippon Life has 44 trillion yen assets and about 100 billion yen in hedge funds which is likely to improve this fiscal year in short and long term macro global funds. This hedge funds are basically are basically private pools of money or say capital whose managers participate in profits from the speculation of whether the price of assets will rise or fall. This type of funds gained about 11% this year. Last year Nippon Life had beared the loss of upto 15% compared to this year gain of 10%. Nippon Life on seeing the current market phenomena would keep its investments in hedge funds compared to its rivals who plan to decrease the allocation and like to achieve stable returns. To make the hedge funds attractive investment option the insurer diverted the funds focusing Asia allocations. Focusing on Asia funds reduced the credit hedge funds and increased up the ca

Group Life Insurance the Best Option in Recession

If you are working in a company the employer knows that keeping the morale of employee is crucial to the prosperity of business and group life insurance policy is just the way one can help motivate employees. Unhappy employees don’t perform well and may prove disastrous to your site spreading negative emotions with other employees. This group life insurance policy works following ways. If the policy owner possesses the actual life insurance policy then the employees covered under them will typically receive a certificate which acts as a proof of insurance, but never contain what is called as master contract. With compared to other life insurance policies, group life insurance allows one to choose a beneficiary which should be used only in unfortunate circumstances. Along with that the employer and policyholder have the facility for saving money on replacing departed employees, giving deductibles on federal income tax return, with an attractive incentive to lure potential employees. Gro

AIG Sells Insurance Unit for $679.5 Million

AIG one of the largest group in the world sold its business at around $379.5 million. This company sold a majority of finance business held by them to WinTrust Financial Corporation. WinTrust Chief Executive Officer is taking AIG knowing that the company had been offered a bail of about $182.5 billion to prop out the losses tied to home loans. This deal is a step in fulfilling expansion to life insurance finance business. WinTrust financial corporation has most of the Credit employers involved in financing the life insurance premiums and leased office spaces in Jersey City, so that one can continue to service the portfolio.

Things to Know About Life Insurance Cover

Term life insurance cover is one of the cheapest type of insurance coverage available and least complicated. Coverage for such a type of insurance is for a fixed term or a period of time which is usually between 1 to 30 years and can be renewed. The policy pays beneficiary a fixed amount in case of the death of owner of the policy during the term. The premiums are lowest when one is young and as you grow older the renewals are higher. These policies don’t build up the cash value. As the name suggests this type of insurance policies provides protection for a specified period of time. If the owner of the policy die within a specified period and the policy is in action, then a death benefit will be paid to the beneficiary. There is no accumulation element or cash value within the term life insurance. This term life insurance is for People with a temporary need for life insurance protection. Those who have requirement for large amount of insurance but want it within a limited budget. A per

Life Insurance Options for Settlement

The life insurance settlement option chosen by you is very important when it comes to what you want your policies to go about. Most life insurance agents don’t discuss life insurance settlement options with their customers. But in reality one should always give special consideration to whether the policy is intended for family protection or for another specific need. Is this policy used to provide an income for your family and business or is the need for only a lump sum amount. Is there a need for retirement income in which case a lump sum amount would probably be the exact fit? It is needless to know the purpose of the life insurance settlement option one chooses, it is an important decision and is worth deep thought and consideration. One can choose a life insurance settlement option from the below mentioned plans as per your convenience. One can choose to proceed the paid out in One Lump Sum. This can be advantage if the individuals need is a lump sum need. It can be a wrong option

Tips on Buying Single Premium Life Insurance

Single premium insurance provides an income tax free death benefit to the beneficiary, charity, or favorite cause which is easier to qualify for other type of insurance. Some of the tips for buying single premium life insurance include: (1)One needs to implement a retirement and estate settlement plan for one self and spouse. Make sure one includes the final expenses. (2)Study the various strategies for passing estate to your heirs with various tax benefits. (3)Thoroughly research the integrity of any charity or a special cause which one might consider as a beneficiary. (4)One needs to conduct a search for qualified, experienced insurance agent to assist one to choose a company to apply for the policy. Along with this there are various steps, which one needs to apply for policy: (1)One needs to determine the amount of money one wish to deposit as a single premium. (2)Consider the type of insurance that reflects the tolerance of the risk. There are basically 3 types of insurance policie

Advantages of Variable Life Insurance

Variable Life Insurance is a type of permanent insurance which lets one target his/her premium to one or more separate investment funds. With variable life insurance one can have a control on the investment of cash value. Variable Life Insurance falls into 2 general categories: Variable Life and Universal Life. The main benefit of these types of policy is that policy owner has the opportunity to achieve huge gains in terms of cash value which are tax-free. A variable life insurance policy is different from whole life policy due to 4 reasons: There is a new concept called separate account phenomena which is being presented to policy holder. The owner of the policy assumes the risk for the performance of the policy. A guaranteed death benefit would be provided to those based on assumed rate of interest. This product is considered a security vehicle which would add new rules & regulations. In variable life insurance policy the insured would be required to pay a premium amount on a p

Pros and Cons of Universal Life Insurance

Universal Life Insurance (UL) entered life insurance market in early 1980. The return on this investment is credited to your policy which is tax-deferred. A guaranteed minimum interest rate is applied to policy holder which means no matter how much investment’s perform, this insurance company guarantees a minimum return on the money. If the insurance company does well with the investments, the rate of interest on accumulated cash value tends to increase. Universal Life Insurance allows one to choose from 2 death benefits. (1)It pays the death benefit out of the policy’s cash value, the more cash value you build up means the company is there for less insurance and so less cost. (2)It pays the face amount stated in the contract, plus any cash value that may arise which is being accumulated in the years. Many policies as of now offer a no-lapse guarantee, as long as you pay up the minimum designated premium, the policy will be in force, till the age of 100.As there are 2 sides of coins t

Things to Know About Variable Universal Life Insurance

Variable Life Insurance is a type of insurance which builds up the cash value. In this type of insurance the cash value can be invested in a wide variety of separate accounts which is similar to mutual funds which are contracted upon by the contract owner. The most significant advantage of using Variable Life Insurance termed as VUL is that it allows one to invest in multiple accounts which specify one to increase the value over time, meaning that there is potential to grow in much larger payout than fixed type life insurance policy. Another advantage of VUL is that monthly payments are variable meaning that they are flexible within the limits of insurance policy. It might be possible that on a given month, a user might not opt to pay for anything at all but after a while they could pay for a very large amount which has been specified for the government. Payments to be made are up to the decision of policyholder as long as they make and maintain a minimum amount to pay up for costs inv

Is Return of Premium a Good Investment Option?

Return of Life Insurance Premium offers a solution which rewards people for staying alive by giving them the entire amount of premiums paid. Return of premium solves the biggest mystery about term life insurance. If the policy holder lives longer than the policy period all of his premiums are paid back to him. The return of premium policy would cost more than standard term policy but would return all the payments in premiums at the end of 30 years if the policy holder is alive at the policy expiry period. From this it is easy to conclude that the returns of premiums cost nothing but one needs to evaluate whether it is actually true. The fact is that return of premium may cost more money than it saves. Taking into account inflation there is a substantial price to be paid for unused return of life insurance premium policy. It is always important to keep in mind that amount of interest which could be earned on the money could be used for a period of time, not only because policy holder ea

Reasons For Lapse of Life Insurance Policy

Life Insurance Policy is basically a contract between insurance agent and the policy holder wherein the insured party is paid death benefit in case of policy holder’s death. But the insured person is supposed to pay a premium to avail of these opportunities. Particular events like sudden demise, accident or sickness are all supported by life insurance policies. But in many cases life insurance policy lapse which is not good for the insured person. The main reasons why a policy lapses are: (1)Many people are not able to pay premiums in time since they can’t afford it. This type of lapse requires that one applies for a new policy but it is not beneficial since one has to pay more premiums for the same policy. While buying a policy always read the terms and conditions and then apply for a flexible plan which allows one to even skip the premiums. If one wants the death benefits then one should make life insurance premium their priority. (2) The main reason for the lapse of the policy is t

Things to Know About Variable Life Insurance

Variable life Insurance policy is one in which the bulk of the premium amounts is invested in one or more separate investment accounts. The investment options have variety of variations which include fixed income investments, stocks, mutual funds, bonds etc. With such type of insurance you can get permanent life long protection. The word “variable” indicates that one can divert a portion of premium hard earned money into separate account such as equity fund, bond money, and money market fund. With such type of insurance one can have: Guaranteed minimum benefit The premiums will never change Equity which you’ve built up through payments can also be reinvested Earnings in the cash value portfolio are tax deferred with which the portfolios can be transferred without penalty. Portfolios have a minimum return which would provide one with guaranteed growth. The variable life insurance as per the policy updates may fluctuate with up rise or drop down of the performance of investment p

Reasons Why People Buy Life Insurance

Life Insurance doesn’t benefit the person who pays for it. There are various reasons why a person would invest in a life insurance policy. Some of the main reasons are: (1) Life Insurance to Pay Funeral and Burial Expenses: Even if a person has no dependents he might purchase a small life insurance policy to make him pay for the expense of his/her funeral , burial or real estate taxes which are costly procedures which cut the expenses of friends and family or other charity. (2) Life Insurance Supports Family and Dependants: The first reason that people buy life insurance is to safeguard their family’s finances against future in case a person happens to die. This insurance is intended to pay out enough money to support one’s family even if the person’s death becomes a major winner for living expenses, mortgage payments and even children’s college tuition. The larger the payout the more costly the plan. Sometimes cheap life insurance falls when it is most needed as the cheap life ins

How to Choose Best Life Insurance Policy

The choice for whether to choose whole, term life insurance or any other policy doesn’t depend on which policy is best or worst. Each policy has its own place and benefits. So before buying a insurance policy a proper financial analysis of your needs is to be done which would have a far more accurate idea of how much life insurance policies one can afford to spend. One of the best options is to mix and match the various options available which will better fit in one’s needs. Universal Life Insurance Policy: This universal life insurance policy is based on a term life insurance with a cash component. In such a type of insurance instead of selecting just a specific term and putting 100% towards one’s premium, part of the insurance premium payable will go into cash account. This cash account will earn interest as well as investment. As the policy holder grows older a small portion of premium goes towards the investment and the rest is covered as a higher proportion to risk element. The

Things to Know About Disability Insurance

Disability insurance has been into existence for many years from now. This is a type of insurance which can be referred to as income replacement insurance. But you might want to know what this insurance is actually about. Disability insurance is a type of insurance in which if a person is incapacitated in any way and unable to work in his/her occupation then that person is considered disabled. This disability insurance policy is non-cancel able and gives guaranteed renewable. As a result of which the disability insurance policy can’t be canceled by company except for non-payment of premiums and its policy terms can’t be altered in any way. Elimination Period The elimination period of the policy is the period of time one can wait before the payments of benefit begin. This period is an agreement by the contract which is selected by purchasing the policy. The elimination period may vary between 30, 60, 90 or more days. As the elimination period gets reduced the higher would be the premium

Factors Contributing To Term Life Insurance Rates

Term life insurance as the name suggests is the policy which provides coverage for a limited period. The time period for this type of coverage is decided by policy owner only. The main reason why different term insurance rates are there for different people is because once the policy for term have been used up, no payout is received for the policy. If you take term life insurance rates at a young age you would be able to get very cheap term life insurance rates than if you were older. The actual or total cost of term life insurance rates is also very tricky. Some term insurance prices appear to be higher but they may be cheaper if taken into consideration the actual cost over time. There are policies like annual premium insurance policies which require that premium be increased every year leading to high actual cost compared to level term insurance policies where premiums remain the same, even if the initial premium for the level term policy may be higher. Along with that there are var

Life Insurance Legal Principles

A life insurance policy is an contract or policy signed between an insured and an insurer. In terms of law there are 5 things one needs to know for a contract which are as follows: Offer & Acceptance Consideration Capacity to contract Insurable Interest Consensus ad idem, which in English means a Conesus of agreement. Offer & Acceptance: In English law there is a offer and acceptance contract. This means that one party makes an offer and another accepts that offer without qualification. If qualification is being asked upon acceptance then it becomes an alternative offer. Also there is something called as invitation in terms of law. This invitation is considered as a form of advertisement. Insurers issue out their prospects & brochures making them just an advertisement method to attract consumers. In life insurance the insurer usually makes an offer to contract by telling the insured that he has accepted the proposal and willing to offer insurance at a set sum, based on th

Top 5 Reasons to Buy Child Life Insurance

As one knows life insurance is a way you can provide financial protection to your family in case of an individual’s death. Some of 5 reasons why one should consider buying child insurance are as follows: The unexpected: The insurance works on the principle of what can happen unexpectedly. We can expect to be in an auto accident one’s so we carry auto insurance. We can also expect we can be sick more than once so we take out health insurance and similar in case of young death of an individual one takes out life insurance for financial protection of the family. Similar thing is there in child insurance. If an individual’s child for some reason do not live long enough then one gets a financial benefit of loss of children’s life insurance. Peace of Mind: One should ask people surrounding their circle how they feel when they don’t have insurance do they feel secured. There is an expected answer to this people would want more and more insurance to feel safe and secure. This is because it is

Top 10 Life Insurance Myths

Whether a phenomenon is a fact or fiction, fear or just a false impression depends on an individual’s mindset. So below are described some common myths or misconceptions which people have regarding life insurance: (1) I don’t need life Insurance : This is actually a very wrong myth. If an individual doesn’t have children, have no money to cover all debts & funeral expenses, doesn’t feel the need to leave behind any money or income to their spouse or family, then this statement is true I don’t need life insurance. But if you have anyone behind you who relies on your income for their day to day needs or you have any outstanding payments then you definitely need life insurance. (2) I don’t work outside the home, so I don’t need life insurance: This is not true. Just as you have children and house which would incur some costs for their growth and house-keeping costs which would be required even in the absence of a stay home parent. So this would cost a lot of money and a reason to ge

Critical Disease Insurance-Pros and Cons

When a disease occurs in which an individual is unable to work this type of insurance provides a sum of money which can be used for day to day living expenses. This critical disease/illness insurance can be carried out along with life insurance. As a coin has two sides similarly every insurance has two sides which include advantages & disadvantages: Some of Advantages of Critical Disease Insurance is: Tax Free Sum : Within a period of 30 days of being diagnosed with a disease which is life threatening a critical disease policy gives out a tax free lump sum amount. Family Protection : Critical illness insurance is very much required for those who have mortgage or outstanding amounts to pay with a young family to protect. Covers upto 30 diseases : This critical health illness insurance plan covers upto 30 diseases which includes kidney failure, major organ transplant, cancer, heart attacks, coronary bypass, multiple sclerosis and strokes. Peace of Mind : Critical Illness covers fam

Why Not To Buy Whole Life Insurance

Nobody wants to leave a family in financial harm if a tragedy occurs. For life insurance sellers most common product to be sold by life insurance agents or sellers is whole life insurance. The whole life insurance is a bundled product which combines whole life insurance element with a savings plan. It is very expensive to buy insurance and this whole life insurance has some flaws. Some of the flaws of whole life insurance are: Expensive In Cost: Whole Life Insurance has one of the biggest flaw which is cost. As whole life insurance is expensive people opt for good quality term insurance. But the company selling whole life insurance doesn’t want the consumer to see out flaws so they market unattractive term insurance rates. No Savings: Whole Life Insurance Policies have the argument that savings portion of the policy offset the prices. But actually that’s not true first of all the rate of return on a policy is a low, many policies have a negative rate of return for many years. To save t

Why Not To Buy Whole Life Insurance

Life Insurance is one of the most important necessities that adults feel is responsible thing to buy. Nobody wants to leave a family in financial harm if a tragedy occurs. For life insurance sellers most common product to be sold by life insurance agents or sellers is whole life insurance. The whole life insurance is a bundled product which combines whole life insurance element with a savings plan. It is very expensive to buy insurance and this whole life insurance has some flaws. Some of the flaws of whole life insurance are: Expensive In Cost: Whole Life Insurance has one of the biggest flaw which is cost. As whole life insurance is expensive people opt for good quality term insurance. But the company selling whole life insurance doesn’t want the consumer to see out flaws so they market unattractive term insurance rates. No Savings: Whole Life Insurance Policies have the argument that savings portion of the policy offset the prices. But actually that’s not true first of all the rate

Life Insurance Covers For People above 50’s

As you get older over 50 years of age you have your children grown up, moved their homes and settled so why do one need insurance at that stage. Some of the reasons for having life insurance above age of 50 are: There may be some mortgages or loans which might be outstanding which you could have taken for any reason. In case of death of the individual what would one do, if no financial back is there? So to protect the financial losses life insurance is needed. If one has insurance then insurance companies would pay the outstanding dues in case of death. In case of death, funeral expenses will be covered and paid out by life insurance policy provider. Often the children buy out insurance policy for their parents. This is because they plan out a way for future in absence of their parents. In recent times due to financial troubles around the world, younger kids are returning back home or are not able to support ones parents which makes it all the more necessary to have life insurance. Gen

Top 5 Reasons to Invest In Life Insurance

Life is full of uncertainty. Anytime anything can happen with us. Below are top 5 reasons why one should invest in life insurance: (1) In case of death or disability conditions or illness ones family needs to be covered. If an individual’s death would result in financial difficulties for loved ones then one needs to have life insurance . Having life insurance will ensure that in case of one’s death financial protection will be provided to loved one’s. (2) As said the younger you are when you take out life insurance , the lower the premium one will have to pay. Keeping life insurance you are ensuring that your loved ones will benefit in the future but paying a low premium for a long period of time. You are able to shop around for best policy if you are at a younger age. (3) By taking out life insurance at a younger age you are likely to be in a better physical condition. This would have an impact on premium as a healthy, young person is likely to pay less premium compared to per

Recovery of World Insurance Market Likely In 2010

As everyone knows current world insurance market is not good. But various studies and researches show that this is just a temporary phase and by 2010 this market will recover. Due to stock markets downfall & gloomy employment prospects growth in life insurance premiums, the industry’s biggest earner is expected to turn negative this year. But as economy recovers, there would be higher life premiums and better investment results. This growth will not only have an impact on profitability but also shareholders capital and ability to raise the money. The recession in world market is definitely reducing the amount of insurance coverage but the capital shortage will support upward movement of prices. But the demand for other types of insurance is going to be flat. Also profitability in other insurances is likely to increase due to stronger investment policies. The demand for additional cover would increase in 2010 along with economy. According to a report global life insurance premiums f